Part 6: Surveying the Land - Viewing Your Drawing


CAD’s view display enables you to display various views of the drawing. You may constantly change views in order to work on different portions of the object and/or drawing. Using the view display is similar to using a telescopic camera. You can zoom out to view larger objects/drawing, and zoom in to get a closer precise view of objects. See the table below.

View-Display Key Terms


CAD's view display enables you to display various portions of the objects and/or drawing. Most of the operations that can be used to alter the currently displayed view is the embodied "Zoom" command. Another command involved in moving around the drawing is called the "Pan" command.

Basic Techniques to Display Views

View-Display: "Tool Buttons"

Saving and Displaying Views

CAD allows for the storing of selected views and you can then later display them back when needed. This is most handy when working with complex drawings. Other than constantly zooming in and out and extent, it is easier to save various views of the drawing as “named” views. Determine when you need to work on certain parts of a drawing frequently, then store the views by giving them different names. You can switch between these views by restoring the named views. 


Many CAD systems allow you to split the screen into separate windows, or viewports. You can create a single layout viewport and/or window that fits the entire layout or create multiple layout views of the layout. Once you create the window/viewport, you can change their size, their properties, and also scale and move them as needed. See figure below.

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Part 6: Surveying the Land - Viewing Your Drawing